Der Header: Enauts Thinking!
erstellt:Mon 27 Aug 2018
bearbeitet:Thu 01 Aug 2019

Creating a minecraft map with overviewer

Minecraft-Overviewer is a minecraft mapcreator and viewer for webpages.

In this guide we setup an automatic rendering server based on:

erstellt:Fri 29 May 2015
bearbeitet:Thu 01 Aug 2019

Minecraft Server Command Center Script

When the server is set up with systemd and rcon it is still quite cumbersome to connect to the command promt.

To get a nice and slick command center I created a bash script that opens up a tmux session with two panes. The first pane contains the the already logged in command promt of the minecraftserver and the second pane contains the last 40 journal entries and updates live if anything new is coming.

erstellt:Sun 12 Apr 2015
bearbeitet:Thu 01 Aug 2019

Setting up a Minecraft server using Systemd

Minecraft is a well liked sandbox game that can provide hours and days of gaming fun especially if it is on a server with multiple players.

In this article I will describe the setup I used. The important parts of the setup are:

  • spigot as the server
  • Fedora 28 is the OS I'm on
  • systemd including service file and "sandboxing"
  • firewalld to block and open ports
  • mcrcon for connecting to the running instance
  • java-openjdk for - you know - minecraft
erstellt:Sat 15 Feb 2014
bearbeitet:Thu 01 Aug 2019

Git – a small user guide

Git is a nice tool to manage one's source code as well as tons of other files. There are hundreds of git HOWTOs already out there but this one is mine. I just setup my git as I'm used to it.

erstellt:Wed 01 Sep 2021
bearbeitet:Wed 01 Sep 2021

Koha: Increase barcode size in labels

When printing the labels for books the barcode is smaller than expected. It does not cover the width of the page and is left-aligned. This is a note to my future self and maybe to someone else how the barcodesize can be increased.

erstellt:Wed 01 Sep 2021
bearbeitet:Wed 01 Sep 2021

Koha: Die Größe des Barcodes verändern.

Beim Ausdrucken der Label für die Bücher wird der Barcode nicht über die volle Breite des Etiketts gedruckt. Das führt dazu, dass der Scanner den Code schlecht ablesen kann weil er zu klein ist. Dieser Artikel ist haupsächlich für mich selbst, dass ich nach einem update die Änderungen erneut machen kann. Aber vielleicht hilft der Artikel ja auch jemand anderem.